
Hello and greetings to you all once again…

As I was meditating up on the words of God, one of the things I begin to ask the Lord is, What would be my part and how should I prepare to recieve?  The answer was “My son, you must make it all about Me and launch out into the deep things of me.”  This year there will be a call into the deep.  When we want more, we must do more.  The Lord pressed upon my heart Luke 8:5-8 in which He mentions a sower that went forth to sow.  There were four types of grounds, but only one soil brought forth fruit one-hundred fold.  I don’t know about you but this year I’m living in the overflow.  Jesus said “Let them who ave ears to hear, let them hear”, the key is do you have the ears to hear what the Spirit of the Lord is saying.  The first three soils were unproductive because of their own choice.  There was nothing wrong with the seed, but the ground was unproductive.   The first one fell by the wayside and was trampled down.  The second soil fell among rocks and withered for lack of moisture, and the third fell amongst thorns that choked it out, but the fourth fell among good ground, and because its roots were deep and shallow in the earth it brought forth fruit.  People who refuse to go deep in the things of God their fruits seem to wither.

Keys For Extraordinary Living

1. You cannot hang around religious people this year.

2. You must pray, fast, and give this year.

3. You cannot church hop this year, but you must put down roots.

4. You must give in abundance this year.

5. You cannot walk in pride this year.

6. You cannot walk in rebellion this year.

7. You cannot hang around gossipers and backbiters.

You must pick up the knife and for this year and feed yourself.  God is calling you to mature and grown up and not be a shallow of earth Christian.  God desires to bless you above that which you are able to handle.  Don’t allow the cares of this life to rob you of God’s best.  Allow the Word of God to lay a strong foundation that will handle everything.  God desires to build in and around you this year of a new beginning.  Remember dig your foundation deep.

Take It! Sell It! and Give It To God!

As we enter this year of new beginnings, my thoughts immediately goes to spring time.  My favorite time of the year, new life bursting, flowers blooming, and seeds that have laid  dormant during the winter are springing to life.  There’s the fragrance of new life and new beginning all around us.  It reminds me that no matter how many mistakes I’ve made last year or how bad I failed, I can start all over again.  2007 is your past, but 2008 is your new beginning.  You might have failed in a marriage, you might have failed in a business, even as a husband or wife, or maybe lost a loved one.  Such as the case with the widow woman in 2Kings 4:1-7.  Here was a woman who was in fear for her and her sons’ life, as she cried to the man of God in fear, he responded “What has thy in thy house?” and she said “thy handmaid has not anything in thy house, save a pot of oil.”  Here was a woman of God who did not understand her position in God and under-estimated the size of her God. She considere the pot of oil that she had in her house to be so insignificant and small, that she did not believe she had anything to offer.  I remember Jesus praising a widow woman who gave her last two mites.  In God little things take hold of bigger things.  Begin to take whatever seed that you have in your house and according to Romans 13:14 begin to make provision for the things of the spirit by taking whatever seed you have and by making God’s business your business and watch God supernaturally bring the increase into your life.  Make room, don’t say I don’t ave anything and don’t underestimate the potential and power of the seed that you have right now, to bring a supernatural harvest when sown into God’s kingdom.  Remeber this is your year for increase, and don’t make provision for the flesf by taking the seeds that you have and holding on to them because they will never come.

 In His Presence,

Apostle Johnny Mitchell
